
Neptune Fountain at Schonbrunn Park, Vienna, Austria

July 29, 2024

Travels & Escapades
Neptune Fountain is a common architectural design in the 16th to 18th century. Neptune driving across the sea domineering the water element is a symbol for monarchs controlling the destiny of their nations.

Both sides of the Neptune fountain is an entry to the Gloriette uphill.

Neptune was the name given to the Greek God, Poseidon. He married a water nymph, Amphritite and had a son with her named, Triton. He was the brother of Jupiter (Zeus) and Pluto (Hades). After the defeat of their father Saturn (Cronos), the siblings divided the world into three. Jupiter took the sky, Pluto took the underworld and Neptune the sea. Neptune was known for being temperament. Earthquakes and violent storms are signs of his furious rage. He is depicted to be bearded, holding trident and seated on a seashell drawn by seahorses.
Travels & Escapades
The Neptune Fountain is situated at the base of the hill, between the Palace and the Gloriette. We see at the center of the rocky grotto a larger-than-life statue of Neptune, trident in his left hand and a nymph on his left. On his right kneels, Thetis, the Greek goddess of sea was requesting for Neptune to favour his son, Achilles, who set off to conquer Troy.

Achilles was known to be the Greek hero at the Trojan War and central character of the novel, Iliad by Homer. He was the son of a Greek sea nymph, Thetis and of King Peleus of Mymidons. Thetis had been wooed by Zeus and Poseidon until they were warned by a visionary, Promentheus, of a prophecy that Thetis would bear a child who would be stronger than the father. The two Gods thereafter, let King Peleus to marry Thetis.
Travels & Escapades
At the foot of the grotto are the Tritons, half man and half fish who belong to Neptune's entourage

Triton is the son of Neptune and Amphritie. He is a mythological Greek god, the messenger of the sea. His parents are the god and goddess of the sea.
The shell trumpets the Tritons are holding could create fear both to men and the beasts.

The Tritons tame and restrain the sea horses who draw the carriage of Neptune's voyage across the sea.

Updated on August 16, 2024

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